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Gryphon House
3-6 yrs.
This exciting, entertaining, and oh-so-effective book makes it easy for parents and educators to nurture the budding scientists that all children harbor within. With science and technology permeating our lives as never before, preparing children for a successful future is essential. The hands-on activities presented in this book encourage and empower children to question and experiment as they move through life. Each chapter is a treat to be savored and digested, and includes several easy-to-follow activities with clearly stated objectives and methods. Organized around themes from science education, the topics include patterns, cause and effect, size and scale, energy, systems, and more, and each is explored in a simple step-by-step fashion. The book is bursting with color photos and written in an engagingly concise manner that makes it easy for any parent or caregiver to shepherd their children into the world of knowledge and inquiry.