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Science, Naturally!
7 - 10 yrs.
This highly informative book exerts a powerful pull on young readers with its warm and entertaining writing style and the considerable charm brought to bear by the accompanying illustrations. Not only does Women in Biology recount historic achievements made by five renowned female scientists, it also identifies and explains concepts fundamental to their field of study. The marvelously engaging format opens with the illustration of a girl seated in a verdant field pondering a butterfly perched upon a flower. Thus begins a dialogue in which the girl poses questions of the sort curious kids routinely ask and that the ensuing pages proceed to answer: What makes a butterfly? What is biology? What are cells? And so on. The result is a series of engrossing biographical snapshots mingled with scientific definitions and fascinating explanations delivered in an unusually accessible manner. Along the way, youngsters learn about metamorphosis, the Linnaean system, cells, receptors, DNA and plenty more!