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Six Red Marbles
4 & Up
Part of the beauty of Waza, an online learning program, is that it guides kids through basic mathematical concepts in such varied and engaging ways that the ideas are embraced and absorbed easily and naturally. To the learning child, it's a game - an adventure across galaxies to rescue Waza's friends, the Wuffles - and a fun one, at that. Kids learn at their own pace, as Waza continually adapts to their learning level. Concepts such as big, small, above, below, between, counting, addition, order, equalities, inequalities, patterns, and much, much more, are presented using onscreen objects and animals. It would be next to impossible to teach so creatively and effectively solely in the physical realm. A robust dashboard enables teachers to track class and individual student progress. Pricing on Waza is $40.00 per student, and a subscription for home use is available.