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Bubbles and Puddles

Bubbles and Puddles
Top Fun
Tillywig Award Winner 2014


Bubbles and Puddles is one of our all-time favorite games from a company that consistently produces outstanding games. One thing that makes it special is how well it plays with children of a young age. There are actually two games, 1) Bubbles, and 2) Puddles, each of which has the same set-up and game play, but a different objective. In either game, players take turns moving a Rubber Duck around a circle of tiles (sections of which belong to different players) based on rolls of the die. Each time the Duck is moved, the tile it lands next to is removed and discarded. If the duck symbol is rolled instead of a number, a previously discarded tile is returned next to the Rubber Duck and the die is rolled again. When playing Bubbles, the objective is to be the last player with one or more tiles left in front of you. When playing Puddles, the goal is the opposite - to be the first player with NO tiles in front of you. The two games complement one another perfectly. The very outcomes that excited your opponent while playing Bubbles (winning back a discarded tile, watching other player's lose tiles) will have him groaning during a game of Puddles. The game moves quickly, is easy to learn, has loads of active participation, and teaches counting, number recognition, and taking turns. For 2 to 4 players.