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Tech Will Save Us
Creative Coder Kit is a fabulously entertaining way to engage kids in both physically active play and in learning the fundamentals of coding! It starts by assembling a superhero-like wrist-worn unit called a Mover that features 8 LEDs that vary in color and pattern according to the wearer's movements. The programmable Mover has two built-in apps youngsters can choose at the press of a button - an Activity app that unlocks more colors the longer and more vigorously the wearer moves, and a Bike Light app. Children also have free access to easy-to-use software on the maker's website with which they can program their Mover using code blocks that determine its behavior. In so doing, they gain invaluable experience exploring and applying core coding concepts! In addition to creating apps to save and share with friends, there is also a gallery of existing apps kids can download to turn their Mover into something entirely different. A phenomenal way to promote creative thinking and problem solving!