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Identity Games USA
6 mo.-4 yrs.
This marvelous adaptation of hide & seek for toddlers and preschoolers keeps youngsters deeply engaged and entertained while nurturing the development of an array of cognitive and physical skills. Each round of play revolves around locating a hidden talking Elmo figure whose periodic shout outs keep kids focused and excited while acting as a sound beacon that aids them in their search. There are several play variations, each of which offers its own rewards. In peekaboo, Elmo produces sounds while covered with a cloth or handkerchief, helping infants grasp the concept that an object continues to exist even when out of sight (object permanence). A variation for toddlers involves placing several objects nearby with Elmo behind one of them. The child then crawls or walks the distance in order to find where Elmo is hidden. Other variations use the set's location cards (each of which displays a common household object) as clues as to where Elmo has been hidden. Elmo's World Hide and Seek is easy to learn and play and promotes the development of social and language skills, spatial reasoning, sensory processing, and motor skills.