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6 & Up
More word fun from the folks who brought you Bananagrams, PAIRSinPAIRS consists of two fast, action-packed games - PAIRSinPAIRS and PAIRPOINTS. In PAIRSinPEARS, players race to be the first to construct a given number of pairs of words, with each word at least 3 letters long. All letters in a given pair must display the same pattern (solid, lines, dots, outline). Words within a pair are allowed to intersect, thus sharing a letter. In PAIRPOINTS, players are still racing towards creating a given number of pairs, but winning is based on points rather than who finished first. Letters can be from any suit. However, a player earns two points per letter for any pair in which all letters share the same pattern, versus one point per letter for mixed. First to finish gets a 5-point bonus. For 2 to 4 players.