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Rubik's Brand Ltd.
It takes only a few moves into your first time playing Rubik's Cage to see the startling possibilities this devilishly fun 2-to-4 player game holds in store. The premise is simple: align three cubes in a row within the cage to win. Advancing towards that goal while thwarting opponents' efforts to do the same is best accomplished through focus, vigilance and planning. Nevertheless, play moves quickly. Brains crackle almost audibly as players find themselves thinking in new and different ways - spatially, strategically, even gravitationally (more on this in a moment). Players take turns in which they have the option of either a) inserting a cube into the cage, b) rotating one layer of the 3 x 3 cage 90 degrees or, 3) flipping the entire cage on its head. Rotating and flipping are where gravity doles out the biggest upsets. Cubes shift and drop into new slots, often in ways players did not see coming. That exquisite surprise factor is among the many reasons kids and adults find Rubik's Cage to be endlessly engaging, as much fun to play for the 100th time as it was the first!