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Nanjing Aipingfang Creativity Technology Co., Ltd.
2 yrs+
With two excellent games in one playful package, TOI Frank's Fish Shop Game is a marvelously entertaining way for youngsters to develop a variety of essential skills. All of the components are of unusually high quality and possess such strong visual appeal that both games have a story-like quality that powerfully engages kids' imaginations. In Help Frank to Fish, players take turns using miniature wooden fishing rods with magnetic lures at the end of a string to catch fish corresponding to the shape just rolled on a large special die. In Buy Fish in the Fish Shop, players buy fish that match the shape thrown on that same die, using a price list on the fish shop wall to determine how many gold coins they must put in the coin slot. Both games play exceptionally well with children as young as age two and help them learn commerce, color and shape recognition, counting and math skills, fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination and more. For 1 to 4 players, age 2 years and above!