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Montesacro Publishing
10+ yrs.
This exceptionally fine board game makes for an entertaining way for players to test one another's knowledge of American history and culture while gaining loads of information along the way. Unusually well-crafted game play and visually-appealing components figure prominently in the fun. Players take turns answering questions in an ongoing effort to win enough states to ascend to the presidency and win the game. Question cards are divided into 5 categories. Some cards pose a direct question and others offer true/false or multiple choice options, while still others allow a player 30 seconds to search the internet for the answer. A stack of well-varied wild cards helps keep play wonderfully exciting and unpredictable, as do many other fine touches. The set's startling abundance of high quality components includes a sprawling game board with built-in category spinner, 4 White House Puzzles, 32 Pawns, 50 State Cards, 4 Impeachment Cards, 1 Die, 1 Timer, 35 Wild Cards, an Augmented Reality app, and a whopping 500 Question Cards that give THIS IS AMERICA almost limitless replay value!