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Worldwide Buddies
4+ yrs.
Worldwide Buddies did an outstanding job with this powerfully engaging multicultural storytelling game. The 60 large, square cards are beautifully illustrated and labeled such that they fall into four distinct categories: spectacular places, worldwide buddies, whimsical encounters, and magic links. The content on each of these scintillatingly-themed cards provides unique inspiration and functions as a creativity-sparking stepping stone in the spinning of original tales. Youngsters, while naturally creative, can at times become inhibited when in the limelight, but the imagination-stirring efficacy of these cards is such that the stories spring forth with the immediacy of water in a fast-running stream. And due to the multicultural nature of the people, places and things encountered throughout the 4 piles of cards, not only do kids get swept up in international adventures of their own making, they experience satisfying tastes of the rich and rewarding world that exists beyond their day-to-day lives!