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North Star Games
This wildly enjoyable trivia game (that doesn't require any trivia knowledge) is, at heart, a guessing-and-betting game loaded with fun facts. Having an inkling (and taking calculated risks) will take you far. In each round a question is asked (What percent of U.S. adults have a tattoo? In how many movies did Elvis Presley appear?) The answer is always a number, and teams write their best guess on their Answer Board. Once answers are displayed, each team uses two tokens to bet, either placing both tokens on the same Answer Board or splitting them between any two. You don't have to bet on your own guess. There are two ways to score - by being the team that made the winning guess or by having a token on the winning guess. If you made the winning guess AND bet both tokens on yourself, you would win 3 poker chips on a single turn, but it might prove smarter to hedge your bets. This sweet cycle of guessing and betting goes on for 7 rounds, the last of which lets players include some or all of their poker chips in the final bet, a risky strategy that could seal your fate one way or the other! For 4 or more players.