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Idea Storm Products
10 & Up
This game quickly got the creative juices and silly streaks kicked into high gear for the players who tested it on our watch. Given a made-up word, a silly category, and a doodle sheet, players race against time to write and/or draw their own definition of the word. For example, one might be given the word 'quib,' the category 'something slimy,' and a doodle sheet containing a starter doodle of 3 slightly curved lines. The category and starter doodle help kick-start the imagination and take it in surprising directions, and there were strange and wonderful things coming out of players' minds and mouths in no time. The player chosen by the judge as having the best definition collects the word card, and three word cards wins you the game. A spinner gizmo called the Spindoodler throws wild curve balls during play, making this an unpredictable play-fest of epic proportions.