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Little Squash
8 & Up
olelo is a highly social board game less about competing than about sharing yourself with others - who you are, where you've been, what you think - and having as much fun as possible doing so. A quick look at the instructions and you're off and playing. Players are dealt 12 Question Cards apiece, either Adult Cards, or, if age 10 or younger, Children's Cards. One at a time players roll a die, move their playing piece, and answer a question from a card they hold whose color matches the space they're on. The goal is to be the first player to answer all your question cards. If you don't have a card whose color matches the space you're on, you lose your turn, so it behooves you to know the colors you still hold and to try to move your piece so that it lands on one of those colors. The fun spikes whenever a player lands on a purple space and has to draw from the Silly Cards. olelo provides a nice low-key, no-pressure evening of fun for 2 to 6 players.