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Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero

Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero
Best Family Fun
Tillywig Award Winner 2018

Fun Academy Motion Pictures

Based on the incredible true story of a stray dog who became a war hero during World War I, this critically acclaimed animated film is top-notch family entertainment from beginning to end. Voiced by a cast that includes such stars as Logan Lerman, Helena Bonham Carter, and Gerard Depardieu, the excellent script engages viewers of all ages through an abundance of heartwarming moments and deft touches of humor. The film opens with Stubby scrounging the streets of New Haven, Conn., where he happens upon infantryman Robert Conroy. Doughboy and dog soon become inseparable, and Stubby's knack for learning tricks quickly earns him a place as the regiment's unofficial mascot. Refusing to be left behind when Robert ships out, Stubby stows away aboard train and ship, arriving with his human companions at the war's front line in France. There he saves a great many lives by digging out buried soldiers, warning his regiment of a surprise mustard gas attack, and performing numerous other heroic acts. Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero is a movie the entire family can enjoy again and again, making it a genuine asset to have around the house and a great gift for the holidays!