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Not Parent Approved
Not Parent Approved is a deliriously funny game that is well-suited to family and party play. Non-stop humor and social interaction flow freely from the moment the first cards are dealt. Each round, one player asks a fill-in-the-blank question (The teacher bent over and we saw . . .) from a question card and each of the other players responds with the funniest answer card from the hand they were dealt. The round's designated Burp Boss picks the best answer, and the winner is awarded the question card as a scorekeeping device. Not Parent Approved's creators have a special talent for authoring questions and answers that expertly set the stage for explosive humor. Coming up with hundreds of cards whose content is simultaneously off-color and family-friendly and that spark hilarity again and again is a gargantuan feat. Kids are drawn in by the nature of that humor - edgy enough to let them feel naughty but innocent by adult standards. For 4 - 10 players, 455 cards included.